Ladies Night Out

Ladies, we would love to have you at Ladies Night Out on June 2nd at 4 PM!
We will have fun activities, including axe throwing, a permanent jewelry pop up, and more! Dinner will be served, and Bro. Jerry will open God’s Word. Also, don’t forget about our amazing giveaways! It will be a night you don’t want to miss.
There is NO COST to register. Childcare will be provided. Sign up here! 
Ladies Night Out is free and includes a meal for all those that attend. However, we will have a permanent jewelry pop up and a hat customization pop up that will accept cash and card for all orders. Please look at the attachments below to learn more about these pop ups and cost!

Disciple Groups

Please join us as we start our D-Groups at Mims. A D-Group is a gender-specific, closed group of three to five believers who meet weekly for the purpose of accelerated spiritual transformation. D-Groups provide intimate friendships, an environment of accountability, and, most importantly, they cultivate a life rooted deeply in God’s Word. Our prayer is that this will challenge you to go deeper in your relationship with Christ and lead others to Him.

Text "Ladies" to 936-410-4449 to receive the latest news, announcements & upcoming events!